Low real estate commission, 1 %
Homeowner, sell your home fast and save thousands of euros in commission
Aina laaja portaalinäkyvyys ja kohdennettu some-mainonta

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A free price estimate is not binding on you and you can get it quickly and easily from us.
Race your brokerage fees and save thousands of euros
Satisfied customers speak for us
Kaikki tämä sisältyy palveluumme
- Aina sinulle yksilöity LKV-pätevä välittäjä
- 3D-virtuaaliesittely kodistasi
- Kattava portaalinäkyvyys (Etuovi + Oikotie)
- Some-mainonta asunnollesi (Facebook + Instagram)
- Ilmainen hinta-arvio
- Kaikki tarvittavat asiakirjat
- Ammattivalokuvat
- Kohderyhmää puhutteleva myynti-ilmoitus
- Kaikki yhteydenpito ostajaehdokkaisiin
- Helppo ohjeistus asuntonäyttöä varten
- Ostotarjousneuvottelut
- Kauppakirjojen laadinta liitteineen
- Kaupanteon järjestäminen (sähköinen / perinteinen)
- Ilmoitusten tekeminen (isännöitsijä + verottaja)
A more agile concept
Up to 200-400 % lower brokerage fees. And that’s not all. More exposure usually also means more potential buyers and a higher purchase price.
Preparation of the deed of sale and formal written valuations
The preparation of the deed of sale is included in the brokerage fee in the sales order contract.
If you have found a buyer yourself and only need a deed, we charge 500 € for residential property and 800 € for real estate. Prices include VAT at 24%. We will guide you in ordering the necessary annexes. For real estate transactions, you will still need a separate transaction valuer.
Evaluation for sale is always free of charge.
Written valuations, for example for probate, partition or security value, are 500 € incl. VAT 24%. We will guide you in ordering the necessary annexes.
Real estate agent to sell your home and still an affordable commission
Do you want to save on the commission and maybe consider selling your home yourself? Pricing, marketing and selling your home is usually best left to the professionals.
When you sell your home through a real estate agent, both the seller and the buyer are protected by consumer protection law. Use a professional to broker your home and you’ll sleep well after the sale.
Those who sell their home themselves usually end up losing money by either underpricing or overpricing the property, which means that it does not sell or takes too long to sell.
An experienced real estate agent can price your property using accurate purchase price statistics and data analytics, so that you get the best possible price for your home and the selling time remains reasonable.
With Koti Vaihtoon LKV, you don’t have to choose. A professional handle the sale of your property, but you also save on the commission.